Andy har sin klinik och bor i Hitchin norr om London och är även utbildad osteopat på hästar och hundar. Nedan kan du läsa lite kort om honom.
After an apprenticeship as a Marine Engineer, Andy graduated from the European School of Osteopathy (ESO) in 2003 and was principal of The Wells Practice in Ilkley, West Yorkshire before moving south in 2014 and starting work in St James’s, London.
He started at Leaf Health in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, in 2020. It turns out that engineering is a perfect introduction to osteopathy, as the body works on integrated systems in a similar way to ships!
Andy has lectured across Europe for the Osteopathie Schule Deutschland (OSD), and worked as a clinic tutor at the British College of Osteopathic Medicine (BCOM). He is now a lecturer on both the international and undergraduate courses at the ESO and BCOM, developing and teaching the Principles and Concepts, Evaluation and Treatment content, from observation to technique. He also teaches the classical “General Osteopathic Technique” and its application.
Andy has previously developed courses in Articulation and Mobilisation for Massage Therapists and other body workers and has a particular interest in the classical principles and philosophy of Osteopathy. He is currently studying for a Fellowship of the Sutherland Cranial College of Osteopathy (SCCO).
Andy is qualified in Equine and Canine Osteopathy and lives in Hitchin with his wife and cats.


Olof Johansson har under många år jobbat som osteopat och även varit rektor för Skandinaviska Osteopathögskolan i Göteborg. Han har även föreläst och varit klinikhandledare och han har sin klinik i Göteborg. Det blir alltid en härlig stämning i rummet när Olof är med och vi ser verkligen fram emot hans föreläsningar!